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The principal purpose for segment alignment is to allow capsules to be separated reliably and rejoined accurately. To accomplish this, the upper segment must be precisely aligned with the lower segment and the segment surfaces must be parallel.

To ensure the most accurate segment alignment and fit possible, Natoli manufactures universal alignment pins and bores for all segments. The addition of universal alignment bores in segments and the use of universal alignment pins help correct capsule bore misalignment and even enables slightly worn segments to operate more effectively. This improved method of segment alignment is also helpful when granular formulations are used as such products have a tendency to cause capsules to split.

The use of Natoli Universal Alignment Pins changes segment alignment setup from a purely manual process to a precise operation. Get an encapsulation and spare parts quote today.

alignment pins

Natoli Universal Alignment Pins have many benefits, including:

  • One (1) set of Special Alignment Pins fit all sizes of segments
  • Universal alignment pins/bores align segments perfectly every time
  • Universal alignment bores never wear out—unlike capsule bores
  • Maximum variance of capsule bore alignment with Universal Alignment Pins is 0.0005” while OEM specifications allow nearly 0.002”
  • Universal Alignment Bores and Pins are available for all Bosch, Index, Bohanan, Sejong, and many other encapsulation machines