The NCF 45 Delivers!

  • Ease of Operation
  • Fast Change Over
  • Higher Production
  • Reduced Waste
  • Greater Profits

Features Include:

  • Successful Encapsulation of Powders and Blends Recognized as Difficult to Encapsulate.
  • Minimizes Powder Loss for Better Yields.
  • Produces Consistent Capsule Weights at Higher Speeds Ease of Operation
  • Option to Produce Pellets
  • Can Integrate with a Vacuum Powder Transfer System!
  • Optimized Change Kits to Maximize Production Speed are available.
  • The NCF-45 is a Scale-Up Machine with a High Production Speed of up to 45,000 Capsules Per Hour.

Manufactured to the highest standards of materials and workmanship making the NCF-45 a versatile, reliable, and longer machine life – A true workhorse.